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The Basics

Current City: Livin' the dream in Los Angeles.

Hometown: Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio.

Pineapple Stance: Pro, but totally willing to split the toppings down the center of the pizza if you don't like pineapple. 

Guilty Pleasure: Vacuuming.

Pets: One five pound, red-haired Pomeranian named Pico de Gallo, and a handful of unnamed plant babies (cool it, they'll get names if they make it past a year, ok?)

Hidden(ish) Talents: Baking French macarons, doing the worm, and perfectly rationing the cheese and sauce for all three pizzas in a pizza lunchable.

Favorite Way to Unwind: Dancing & singing around the house, organizing things in rainbow order, and photoshopping myself into pools of food.

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